ode?apa tu...

ode refers to ordinary differential equation...hahaha..what is that mean? it is one part of math, i'm really excited with ode, i fell in love with it...but donno what to say yet...aku just kenal ode by the word ode shj, not know yet what is the ode really means...baru nak berjinak2 ngan ode, so, utk beberapa hari akan dtg ni, aku akan byk menghabiskan masa ngan ode, bgn pg, ode, mkn tgh hari ode, tidur mlm pun ngn ode, so....aku mmbygkan ode itu something y mungkin seronok utk aku explore more...but tak tahu lg lah kan mcm mana...jom...cari apa itu ode...ode oh ode...


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