6 is a perfect number

what is perfect number means?
perfect number is referring to a number where sum of its proper divisor equal to the number itself, for example
below is some of the proper divisor for given number
number = 2 proper divisor = 1 summation of proper divisor = 1
number = 3 proper divisor = 1 summation of proper divisor = 1
number = 4 proper divisor = 1, 2 summation of proper divisor = 3
number = 5 proper divisor = 1 summation of proper divisor = 1
number = 6 proper divisor = 1, 2, 3 summation of proper divisor = 6
number = 7 proper divisor = 1 summation of proper divisor = 1
number = 8 proper divisor = 1, 2, 4 summation of proper divisor = 7
number = 9 proper divisor = 1. 3 summation of proper divisor = 4

thus, 6 as we can see, clearly there, summation of its proper divisor is equal to the number itself which is 6...can you understand class? easy right...

notakaki : hehehehe


Unknown said…
menarik fakta ni..
saya copy ye ain....
therosputih said…
boleh2...silakan2...ni apa y ain belajar kat u ni saudara jinggo...
Mami Hadeef said…
ain.. amik e-card raye kt blog aku..wajib! haha

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